Friday, March 25, 2011

1942 2


Galaga 2


Kid Icarus 2

Kid Icarus

Adventures of Link: Island Palace

The Story of this Glitch (The Greatest Story Ever Told):
     I was playing Adventures of Link and was to the Ocean Palace.  I decided to get my magic level up before I entered the palace.  I went to Death Mountain because I think it is really fun to kill beasts there.  I really like killing Daira. And plus, you can get a lot of points in that area.  Then I went to the desert in the new world next to where you walk on water to kill Leevers.  I found the desert to be the most efficient beast mutilating area.  So, I got my magic up to a level 7 and went into the Ocean Palace with only one life. I knew I wasn't going to be able to kill the boss but I thought I could at least clear the path. I had gotten the flute, unlocked all of the doors and had gotten to the boss when the screen went black.  All of a sudden the TV screen was black! 
     I looked down and my cat, Cobra, was rubbing his whiskers across the power button.  Cobra is such a jerk! So I picked my little beast up.  It was really sweet because he just wanted to be petted. He instantly started purring in my arms.
     Ugh. I had to start again.  I got my magic level back up to a 7. Same route. Same story. Went into the Ocean Palace.  Got the flute. Unlocked all the doors.  I got the the boss and still had 2 lives. I was ready to destroy Gooma. And the screen glitched. Fuck!!!! What a bummer.  But the glitch was so beautiful. I stared at for a moment before photographing it.  But here's when things got really magical...
     I turned the power off and the glitch was still there.  I took the cartridge out of the Nintendo and the glitch was still there!  It slowly faded to a grey screen.  The grey ate away at the glitch pixel by pixel as I watched.


Adventures of Link