Thursday, December 15, 2011

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mystery Glitch 5

Mystery Glitch 4

Galaga 3

Mystery Glitch 3

Yes, I am definitely only photographing glitches on the flatscreen from now on.  Also, this weekend I'm going to photo print a few more to canvas!

Mystery Glitch 2

Mystery Glitch 1

I found a folder of the original glitches I made and I'm going to post all of them.  I thought I had deleted them by accident and found them when I was being very adult and responsible by organizing my files on my computer.  I've decided that I prefer to photograph the glitches on a flat screen which is a bummer because I need the old TV for playing Duck Hunt.  And I have the NES and VCR hooked up to the old TV so I can start making glitch VHS videos.  So basically, my living room is about to become a two TV/VCR/NES nerd style cluster fuck.  Awesome.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Nerding out recording Nintendo glitches

My best friend Nina Varner recording me recording, or rather filmed me filming, Nintendo glitches.  I was pretty much totally nerding out and say things like "that's amazing" and letting out a very meaningful "whoas".  It was all very in the moment.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt/World Class Track Meet

I have been trying to get to Minus World which is not as easy as it looks from the video below.  This is the title screen for Super Mario Bros., Duck Hunt, and World Class Track Meet  and it one of my favorite glitches since the Galaga glitches.  The Galaga glitches were the first that I photographed because they were particularly striking to me.  It was such a unique color palette and I liked the idea of an abstract composition being created accidentally and by a computer.  I like the idea that it is a mistake.  I am going to write my treatise on glitch art soon.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Super Mario Bros. Minus World

This is a video of how to access the Minus World of the original Super Mario Bros.  This is the self-proclaimed "most famous glitch of all time".  I put in "quotes" because I don't think it is more famous then the Donkey Kong kill screen, for example.  When I was a kid we heard a weird urban legend-telephone version of the Minus World glitch but no one knew about the actual glitch.  The story that I heard was that if you could get to the end of level 1-2 with the star and were also small you could warp straight to 8.  We tried it about a billion times but could never get to the end of the level.  And I'm pretty sure it's not possible.  But please take that as a challenge and if you succeed please send me a video!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Duck Hunt 2

Duck Hunt

I don't believe in conspiracy theories. But there is one little detail that proves that there is without a shadow of a doubt a New World Order.  The Duck Hunt gun doesn't work on flat screen TV's.  Pretty soon there will be a new race of people that live in the woods and wear bushes as clothing so they can play there Duck Hunt on a regular TV in peace.  There will have to be because who wants to live in a world with no duck hunt?

Friday, March 25, 2011

1942 2


Galaga 2


Kid Icarus 2

Kid Icarus

Adventures of Link: Island Palace

The Story of this Glitch (The Greatest Story Ever Told):
     I was playing Adventures of Link and was to the Ocean Palace.  I decided to get my magic level up before I entered the palace.  I went to Death Mountain because I think it is really fun to kill beasts there.  I really like killing Daira. And plus, you can get a lot of points in that area.  Then I went to the desert in the new world next to where you walk on water to kill Leevers.  I found the desert to be the most efficient beast mutilating area.  So, I got my magic up to a level 7 and went into the Ocean Palace with only one life. I knew I wasn't going to be able to kill the boss but I thought I could at least clear the path. I had gotten the flute, unlocked all of the doors and had gotten to the boss when the screen went black.  All of a sudden the TV screen was black! 
     I looked down and my cat, Cobra, was rubbing his whiskers across the power button.  Cobra is such a jerk! So I picked my little beast up.  It was really sweet because he just wanted to be petted. He instantly started purring in my arms.
     Ugh. I had to start again.  I got my magic level back up to a 7. Same route. Same story. Went into the Ocean Palace.  Got the flute. Unlocked all the doors.  I got the the boss and still had 2 lives. I was ready to destroy Gooma. And the screen glitched. Fuck!!!! What a bummer.  But the glitch was so beautiful. I stared at for a moment before photographing it.  But here's when things got really magical...
     I turned the power off and the glitch was still there.  I took the cartridge out of the Nintendo and the glitch was still there!  It slowly faded to a grey screen.  The grey ate away at the glitch pixel by pixel as I watched.


Adventures of Link